Signed in as:
Signed in as:
New London Motorcycle Club welcomes guest riders that wish to join official club rides. With proper authorization from the Club Road Captain/President, guests can join selected rides. All guest riders are expected to follow established group riding guidelines and safety protocols. Please review the information on this page to become familiar with standard club ride formations and operations.
1a. Road Captain (CB)
1b. Club President
2a. Road Guard (If needed)
2b. Road Guard (If needed)
3a. Sr. Vice President
3b. Sgt. at Arms
4a. E-Board
4b. E-Board
5a. E-Board
5b. E-Board
Riders - Full Patch Members
Mid - Group Observer (CB)
Riders- Non-Full Patch Members
Trikes - Full Patch Members
Trikes - Non-Full Patch Members
Trikes - Guests
Tail-Gunner (CB)
*Use electrical turn signals only. Do not use hand signals to indicate a turn.
1 Finger Raised:
Single File behind the ride leader. If leader stays to center move to center, if to the right move to the right of roadway. Watch for recovery of blockers or emergency equipment approaching.
Left Arm Raised:
Pointed up and overhead pointing right indicates object in roadway on the right side. Recover position after passing obstruction.
2 Fingers Raised:
Side by side riding assembly 2 x 2 leave 1 bike length in front of you. Stay in position until new signal is shown.
Left Arm w/Fist:
Pointed up w/clench fist forming an “L” means return to dual staggered positions.
Bar to Bar:
A term used to identify position, leaving some parking lots. Leaving a parking lot with a wide opening, riders will form lateral rows (10-12) filling in the entire width of the opening. On signal the first row exits out to the center line and the second row out to the inside or right side of road. A third row would fill in the back. This gets a large group into the roadway in a matter of seconds.
Ready to Go - Traffic Lights:
When the group is stopped at a traffic control signal, all riders should be prepared to move as soon as the signal changes. This means you have down shifted to 1st gear upon stopping and holding the clutch ready to go. If you delay you will create a domino effect, preventing the rear of the column from legally getting through the light. DO NOT perform any activity that delays your readiness when the signal light changes.
Ready to Go – Stop Signs:
The first two bikes will stop or slow to a stop at stop signs. At this point the column will bunch still slowly moving. The lead will then proceed, possibly using blockers and the column will then move through the intersection tightly as one long unit. If blockers are used prepare for single file after the intersection to recover the blockers back to the front. Move back into position immediately following the blockers passing you on the left.
Deployment of Blockers:
The leader may from time to time deploy blockers at intersections for safety purposes. It is safer to move the entire group at once. Safety is always the number one goal. When blockers are deployed, said blockers will deploy left or right turning back with the flow of traffic and then to a stop. This is the same as an unrelated vehicle deciding to stop at the intersection allowing the entire column of motorcycles to pass through as a courtesy.
Yo-Yo Rider:
Some riders lose focus and pace. It’s always the same riders. When Interstate or Highway riding, this allows access for 4 wheelers to break the formation. This is also a real big problem on secondary roads controlled by traffic signals as a stretched out column will not make it through green control signals causing the front section of the column to have to pull over to the shoulder to wait for the rest to catch up. Maintain a maximum distance 20 feet between you and the bike in front of you. Don’t be a recipient of the Yo yo Award!
Formation Change:
If a bike drops out of formation changing the dynamics of the formation, do not cross over. Just move forward. If the opening is not in your lane and the other lane is not moving forward, motion to those riders to do so. They may not know what to do.
Single file is automatic unless otherwise signaled. Follow the bike in front of you. If room allows, the leader will drive to the far end of a parking area, left or right side, make a turn out to back the bike in. The bike in front of you does not start to back in until you made your turn out.
2 Fingers up means you enter 2 x 2 and stay in formation. The lead will park facing out 2x2 stacking behind. If that fills up a second group of 2x2 will form on the left or right also facing forward.
4 Fingers up means Quad parking, 4 bikes to a standard parking spot, find what you can. Attempt to group.
New London Motorcycle Club
P. O. Box 221, Quaker Hill, CT 06375 • 330 Moxley Road, Montville, CT 06382
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